martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007


So I am back in Utah. I bought a car for cheap, and I am working full time. I really miss my family, yet I hope I am doing something good. I have homework, and need to fill out some immigration papers when I get home. What a life . . .

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Going Home

I have already bought my ticket back home to Utah, and I need to work on my wife´s immigration case. I am tyring to get her legal residency so I can finish a Bachelors Degree in Spanish.

I am very sad to leave my family; however, I know that one day we will a be back n the USA forgetting about Guatemala, eating Panda, and shopping at ROSS.

We all think of you all and talk about you all daily. Tosh officially says, "Dada". Any ways we´ll all talk soon!